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2013年考研英语二新题型真题及答案解析 2020-11-25 14:22 来源:互联网 作者:好轻松考研小编 摘要:在考研英语中新题型考的是阅读速度和准确度,速度要求有敏感性,对文章某些关键点有下意识的认知,准确度要求有把握,知道哪里有提示,哪里是陷阱,不能盲目,所以说新题型只要认真复习,多做题,从题中提炼出知识点与解题技巧,基本是手到擒来的。



  [A] Live like a peasant

  [B] Balance your diet

  [C] Shopkeepers are your friends

  [D] Remember to treat yourself

  [E] Stick to what you need

  [F] Planning is evervthing

  [G] Waste not, want not

  The hugely popular blog the Skint Foodie chronicles how Tony balances his love of good food with living on benefits. After bills, Tony has ?60 a week to spend, f40 of which goes on food, but 10 years ago he was earming ?130,000 a I year working in corporate communications and eating at London's betft restaurants'"" at least twice a week. Then his marriage failed, his career burned out and his drinking became serious."The community mental health team saved my life. And I felt like that again, to a certain degree, when people responded to the blog so well. It gave me the validation and confidence that I'd lost. But it's still a day-by-day thing." Now he's living in a council flat and fielding offers from literary agents. He's feeling positive, but he'll carry on blogging - not about eating as cheaply as you can - "there are so many people in a much worse state, with barely any money to spend on food" - but eating well on a budget. Here's his advice for economical foodies.


  Impulsive spending isn't an option, so plan your week's menu in advance,making shopping lists for your ingredients in their exact quantities. I have an Excel template for a week of breakfast, lunch and dinner. Stop laughing: it's not just cost effective but helps you balance your diet. It's also a good idea to shop daily instead of weekly, because, being-human, you'll sometimes change your mind about what you fancy.


  This is where supermarkets and thci; anonymity come in handy. With them,there's not the same embarrassment as when buying one carrot in a little greengrocer.And if you plan properly, you'll know that you only need, say, 350g of shin of beefand six rashers of bacon, not whatever weight is pre-packed in the supermarket chiller.


  You may proudly claim to only have frozen peas in the freezer - that's not good enough. Mine is filled with leftovers, bread, stock, meat and fish. Planning ahead should eliminate wastage, but if you have surplus vegetables you'll do a vegetable soup, and all fruits threatening to "go off will be cooked or juiced.


  Everyone says this, but it really is a top tip for frugal eaters. Shop at butchers,delis and fish-sellers regularly, even for small things, and be super friendly. Soon you'll feel comfortable asking if they've any knuckles of ham for soups and stews, or beef bones, chicken carcasses and fish heads for stock which, more often than not,Theyil let you have for free.


  You won't be eating out a lot, but save your pennies and once every few months treat yourself to a set lunch at a good restaurant- f1.75 a week for three months gives you 21 - more than" enough for a three-course lunch at Micheln-starred Arbutus. I's f16.95 there - or f12.99 for a large pizza from Domino's: I know which I'd rather eat.

  Part B

  41 F

  42 E

  43 G


  45 D


  41.[正确答案]: F

  [答案解析]本段-句后半句出现了结论性的词so,因此是做题时需关注的重点。这句话意为"因此要提前计划好你每周的食谱”。后面第二句第三句都用作者自己的例子来论证提前计划的好处,故能判断出句为本段主题句。选项F planning is everything,计划最重要,能够概括本段大意,故为正确答案。

  42. [正确答案]: E

  [答案解析]本段最后- -句话"如果你安排合理,就能知道你需要的只是,比如350克牛胫骨和6片培根,而不是超市冷柜里里重量已定的预先包装好的东西"也就是说,提前计划好的话,可以按照自己预想的分量购买自己需要的食品。故只有E选项stick to what you need符合本段的主题,为正确选项。

  43. [正确答案]: G

  [答案解析]本段句说"你可能会很骄傲的宣称你冰箱里剩下的只有冷冻的豌豆了,这并不很好。"最后-句话说”如果你有多余的蔬菜,可以做个蔬菜汤,快要坏掉的水果也可以做成菜或者榨成汁” 。因此本段的主旨在于虽然计划很重要,但多余的东西也并不会被浪费掉, G选项waste not, want not与.本段的主旨一致,为正确答案。

  44. [正确答案]: C

  [答案解析]本段首句说"对节俭的人来说, 这是的小建议”。随后提到去小卖店买东西的时候要特别友好,这样的话很快你就可以很自在的询问他们是否有一些零零碎碎的你需要的食材,而且很可能都是免费的。故C选项,Shopkeepers are your friends符合本段主旨,为正确答案。

  45. [正确答案]: D

  [答案解析]本段首句说“你不经常出去吃饭,但每隔几个月 要用的钱去个好的饭店好好吃顿午餐”。因此选项D Remember to treat yourself是本题的正确答案。


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